Patricia brinkley’s platform


Each of us wants our children to receive a better education than we did. Yet, our Clark County School District is not meeting the needs of all our children. We need to give parents a variety of choices as how to best educate their children. Public schools, charter schools, private schools and homeschooling are all options that need to be made available to parents. The costs to educate a child must stay with that child, as a bank account for them to spend in the education environment that best allows them to excel. I will support education freedom for all our children and their parents.

Elementary students engaged in a classroom raising hands to answer a question.

public safety.

Our quality of life in Senate District 1 is a direct correlation to the safety of our neighborhoods, schools, retail establishments and churches. I support a community based on law and order, individual responsibility and a strong, yet fair criminal justice system. I will support laws that fund our police and encourage community policing.

Public safety dispatcher with a headset listening to a caller

Jobs & economy.

A strong and diverse economy is critical to our future as a state. I will focus on promoting innovation, limited government intervention and individual freedom. I will embrace Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Limited Government Regulations, Free Market Principles, Tax Policies that encourage businesses to invest in new technologies that drive economic growth and Intellectual Property Rights. I support Education and Workforce Development efforts to allow our high school graduates as many options or career paths as possible.

Aerial view of North Las Vegas from Frenchman Mountain


Nevada is the land of shortages, nurses, doctors, mental health provider, physical therapists, lawyers, etc. Shortages in important, often life-saving occupations, are more than a inconvenience, it’s a public health crisis. Health care staffing shortages lead to poor patient outcomes and an alarming gap in aiding people in need. Sixteen states have various reciprocity agreements for various professional services. As your State Senator for District 1, I will explore all options in order to fill our many professional needs.


Issues concerning Veterans hold a deep personal significance for me. Coming from a family of veterans, I am the daughter of two who served in World War II, with my father also participating in the Korean War. My mother, a surgical nurse, achieved the rank of Captain before her discharge from the Army. My father served as an Army Air Traffic Controller during WWII and continued his service in the Korean War, ultimately retiring as a Master Sergeant. Additionally, my younger brother, who has since passed away, honorably served in the Army for four years.

As my father’s healthcare power of attorney, I witnessed firsthand the challenges Veterans face regarding the healthcare provided by the VA. As his advocate, I consistently fought for his best interests.

It is appalling that many veterans today endure issues such as homelessness, substance abuse, and insufficient employment and job training opportunities.

I am committed to advocating for Veterans, just as I did for my father, to enhance services for those who have served.

Veteran hugging his daughter