Who IS
PATRICIA Brinkley?

Patricia Brinkley with a blue matte background She is  wearing a lavender dress accessorized by a purple necklace

Patricia Brinkley is a dedicated lawyer and passionate community activist. With a deep commitment to justice and a strong track record of advocacy, Patricia seeks to bring positive change to our community and our state.

Patricia has been practicing law for over 30 years. With her law background and experience, she understands the importance of upholding the principles of the Constitution and ensuring that the rights of every citizen are protected.

Patricia and her husband are the co-founders of the Conservative Town Hall of North Las Vegas. The Mission Statement is to Engage, Educate and Energize Conservative Voters in North Las Vegas.

In addition, Patricia completed the North Las Vegas Police Department’s Citizens’ Academy. This was a ten week overview of the inner workings of law enforcement and hands on experience into the various departments of the North Las Vegas Police Department.

Patricia is a frequent attendee of the NLVPD Community Connection meetings and the monthly North Las Vegas Alliance of Homeowners Association meetings. Both events keep her aware of issues in our community.

Patricia is a Christian, wife, mother and grandmother. She has a B.A. degree in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and a J.D. degree from the University of San Francisco, School of Law. Her professional emphasis has been on the Nuclear Family. Patricia is focused on the concerns of the community. Her passion is an unwavering commitment to make our state a better place for all residents of Senate District 1. This can only be accomplished by winning this very important election.

Patricia subscribes to the Code of Fair Campaign Practices.

“I believe that helping others benefits both the giver and receiver. Giving back to one’s community is just as essential, as making financial contributions to food banks or homeless shelters. I see my candidacy for Senate District 1 as a continuation of my service to and advocacy for families which I provided as an attorney…”

Listen up!

Listen to Patricia Brinkley’s views.  Her no nonsense approach is refreshing and innovative. Click below to catch her on audio and podcasts.

Patricia Brinkley sitting in front of a vintage microphone. She is smiling and composed and ready to engage.